Travel Beyond: a guide for your stay in Colombia

Welcome to the country of colors and flavors! We want to join you on the great adventure of discovering Colombia, so we have created this blog to give you recommendations of all the things you can’t miss, and the must-know. Let’s make the best out of your vacations with Beyond Colombia!

What you need to know before arriving in Cali: tips to have the best experience

Beyond Colombia | What you need to know before arriving in Cali: tips to have the best experience

Enjoy the heat, Cali has the weather you need:

Cali has a tropical climate, which means it's hot and humid all year-long. Be sure to pack light, breathable clothing and stay hydrated to avoid heat exhaustion. Also, don’t forget about the sunscreen! Even if the sun doesn’t feel particularly strong, be sure to wear sunscreen whenever you’re out. 

On another end, don’t forget the mosquito repellent. Given that the area is humid, you’ll find mosquitos during different times of the day, so it’s better to be protected by wearing your preferred mosquito repellent. 


Cali's food is as unforgettable as its beauty: 

You’ll find some unique flavored food, such as Mango Biche or Cholao. The first one is the unripe mango with added lemon and salt, and the later, a mix of fruits with condensed milk. These traditional foods can be available on the streets, as well as in shops, and they’re safe to try. And to know the stories behind their origins, don't miss our Alameda Market Food tour!

However, when it comes to the water, don’t drink tap water if your stomach is specially sensitive. Locals are used to drinking the tap water, but if it’s your first time travelling abroad, it’s better to stick to filtered water of bottled water, just so you can enjoy the rest your trip without any problems. 

And if you’re looking for a traditional lunch, be sure to try the Chuleta Valluna. It is breaded pork, served with a piece of lime to sprinkle over the meat, a portion of rice, fries, and plantain. It is a big meal, enough for sharing if you’re not used to eating a lot during lunchtime. To top it, be sure to have a Lulada, it’s a beverage made with lulo, a sour fruit, that when mixed with sugar, is heavenly delicious. 


The Salsa Capital of the world is ready for you: 

Don’t forget to bring your most comfortable shoes to enjoy some salsa lessons! All around the touristic areas you’ll be able to find lessons, teachers, and even bars that’ll show you some basic steps before the party begins. Don’t worry about not mastering everything at once, take your time and enjoy the movements that you’ll learn while the music is on. 

Our recommendation is to visit the Alameda Park, there you’ll find many bars dedicated to the salsa and similar rhythms. For example, Siboney is a place that offers different types of music depending on the day of the week, and is considered a beacon for the night-life in Cali, since it is one of the oldest bars still working. 

To get in the mood, we recommend listening to salsa music before arriving, so you’ll be in touch with the culture, and enjoy the new rhythms to leave the city feeling like a local. 


Remember, Cali is a big city, so don’t forget: Don’t give papaya! Keep your belongings in pockets that aren’t easy to reach while you walk around the city, just as in any other great urban area. 


Last but not least, don’t forget you can explore the main parts of the city with our Free Walking Tour, led by local tour guides, who’ll answer all your questions about the culture, the salsa, the food, and so much more. 


Cali is waiting for you with dance shoes ready! 


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